Sunday, December 7, 2008

Being in Christ Jesus

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Mat 18:20.

In life i have come to realize that if i am to have a birth day party i need people, there has to be more than one person including me, i have realized that when i am hurt its always better to talk to someone, to make a baby needs two people and so fourth. I have learned that we live together as mankind and we do need each other. However, From the word of God we read, refer to Mathew 18:20 above, Jesus Christ promises to be in the mist of "them". Well i know if one of the great presidents was in my mist i would be highly delighted, maybe because i know that i could easily tell them my problem and they might help me. But i do not recall anyone in this lifetime dying for me so that i might have life, and life in abundance except the man Jesus Christ. He had endured all pains we can name, so that i might be freed from the sin that leads to dearth. this is the same man who is promising to be in the mist of "them" if we gather in his name. I know that my flesh brings to me all kinds of desires, lusts and so fourth, men who rape little children they have the same heart as mine i am no different from them, they only showed me what i am capable of. I may not see it but i am naked before God full of shameful things. But Jesus promises to be in the mist of "them", he promises to be in the mist of my problems, the mist of my body my weak heart and so fourth. If he was able to overcome all temptations even until dearth, how much more will he be able to save me from my weaknesses for he understands exactly how we feel for he has been there as well. As we share our downfalls let us gather together in his name let us be conscious of his resurrection and sufferings, all for to give us erternal life. The thing we ask let us ask in his name: And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son (Joh 14:13). The word teaches us that all promises of God are a yes in Christ Jesus. For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us (2Co 1:20 ). There is grace in his name. Amen.

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